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duminică, 23 decembrie 2012
   “I watched you watch everything, and I wanted to know all the things that went through your mind when you were with me. I will never be able to forget the way you simultaneously calmed my mind and quickened my heartbeat. I’ll always remember the way you’d look at me and the way it drove me crazy wondering what you were thinking as you did. I am trying not to miss you too much. I am trying not to regret letting you go.

  You don’t know anyone at the party, so you don’t want to go. You don’t like cottage cheese, so you haven’t eaten it in years. This is your choice, of course, but don’t kid yourself: it’s also the flinch. 

Your personality is not set in stone. You may think a morning coffee is the most enjoyable thing in the world, but it’s really just a habit. Thirty days without it, and you would be fine. You think you have a soul mate, but in fact you could have had any number of spouses. You would have evolved differently, but been just as happy.

You can change what you want about yourself at any time. You see yourself as someone who can’t write or play an instrument, who gives in to temptation or makes bad decisions, but that’s really not you. It’s not ingrained. It’s not your personality. Your personality is something else, something deeper than just preferences, and these details on the surface, you can change anytime you like.
If it is useful to do so, you must abandon your identity and start again. Sometimes, it’s the only way.
Set fire to your old self. It’s not needed here. It’s too busy shopping, gossiping about others, and watching days go by and asking why you haven’t gotten as far as you’d like. This old self will die and be forgotten by all but family, and replaced by someone who makes a difference.
Your new self is not like that. Your new self is the Great Chicago Fire—overwhelming, overpowering, and destroying everything that isn’t necessary. 

You don`t need to be perfect.

   You crave love from every single person you meet and you can never accept that bridges are sometimes meant to be burned. You find everyone so interesting that no one is able to feel special to you. You don’t guard your heart for the one who deserves it, you hand it out like free samples and that is why I do not want it.
vineri, 30 noiembrie 2012

that smile...

                Câteodată tot ce îmi doresc este să primesc un zâmbet. Mergând pe stradă, am observat că toate persoanele sunt nervoase, grăbite, nici nu se uită pe unde merg, vorbesc la telefon, sunt agitate, zâmbetele pe care le văd, sunt de circumstanţă... Până într-o zi când am întâlnit o bătrânică, m-a privit şi mi-a zâmbit. Acel zâmbet mi-a făcut ziua mai frumoasă.

Parcă împlinirea o obţinem mai uşor în vis


            - De ce nu apreciem lucrurile frumoase ce ne înconjoară, de ce nu apreciem oamenii care cu adevărat merită acest lucru?! De ce ne cufundăm în gânduri şi întrebări stupide şi nu trăim clipa? De ce preferăm răul şi nu binele?
          - Hei, opreşte-te!! parcă eşti un copil în căutarea răspunsurilor a mii de întrebări... Ai face bine să înţelegi odată pentru totdeauna că viaţa nu ne-a fost dată ca s-o înţelegem, ci să o trăim. Ai face bine să nu te astepţi la nimic din partea nimănui, ai face bine să nu visezi la nimic...binele nu există iar răul este pretutindeni.
           Cam asta te-ar învăţa o persoană dezamăgită, o persoană care a învăţat sau mai bine zis, înţeles că încrederea nu ar trebui s-o încredinteze nimănui. Sufletul nostru este ca un burete, absorbe tot. Când  oamenii se hrănesc din mâna celuilailalt, când trăiesc realitatea, doar in doi ajung să simtă gustul amar al dezamăgirii. Nu mă întreba de ce, nu am răspuns...      
   Domnule Dezamăgire,
            Mi s-a spus că alţii ar da orice să poată să te facă să zâmbeşti ...                                                                                                                      
                                                                                     Cu drag, Domnişoara Speranţă.

            Tu, Mădălina dragă! :) 
                     Autoarea .

joi, 29 noiembrie 2012

Mulţumesc, perfectul meu imperfect.

       Poate eu, poate tu...poate cineva o să-şi dea seama la un moment dat că viaţa este un dar, un privilegiu! Nu ştim să avem grijă de ea, nu ştim cum să preţuim toate momentele frumoase, nu le simţim când le trăim, însă le regretăm atunci când ne amintim de ele. Nu ştim să vedem frumuseţea ţării noastre, verdele pădurii, albastrul mării şi minunatele peisaje ale anotimpurilor. Mergeam cu trenul şi la un moment dat îmi spune cineva: " Văd că iţi place foarte mult să priveşti pe fereastră", m-am uitat la el şi i-am răspuns simplu, fără niciun alt comentariu:" da, îmi place mult." 
      Mulţi privesc viaţa ca un drept, poate doar atunci când s-ar afla în centrul a 1000 de persoane moarte şi-ar da seama de adevărata valoare a ei. Uneori găsim fericire doar în vise, plecăm departe de ceva ca să ne liniştim, să lăsăm în spate toată agitaţia şi unde ajungem? Ajungem să ne simţim şi mai nepotriviţi în acel loc, ajungem să plângem pentru că totul este diferit, sa ne umplem cu energie negativă, ci nu cu suflet plin de bucurie, de linişte. Nu mai suntem fericiţi de teamă că mereu trebuie să se întâmple ceva rău care să schimbe totul. Nu vreau un final fericit, vreau o istorie care să nu se mai termine niciodată, finalurile fericite sunt doar poveşti care nu s-au terminat. 
   Apreciază viaţa, nu lăsa nimic să plece, luptă pentru ceea ce vrei!

duminică, 28 octombrie 2012

Hello, stranger.

    Ploua incet si totul pare sa se opreasca cu fiecare minut trecut. Inima este singura care continua sa bata...dar oare exista un motiv? Exista motive pentru tot ceea ce facem, pentru toate sacrificiile, pentru toate noptile pierdute? Nu exista motive propriu-zise, exista persoane pentru care faci asta, exista el si astea nu cred ca sunt motive. "Sunt fericita pentru tine, ma simt si eu la fel cum te simti si tu, draga mea, am emotii, i-a raspuns ea, dupa ce i-a destainuit povestea". Exista dimineti care vrei sa se repete...momente de neuitat, amintiri frumoase. Cu toate astea, iti este frica sa fii mai apropiat, sa dai atentie prea multa, deoarece toti spun ca o sa fie bine, iar dupa pleaca...

 Have you ever confused a dream with life? 
luni, 27 august 2012


Cu tine vreau s-alerg
Cu tine vreau sa rad
Cu tine vreau sa tac
Cu tine vreau sa plang
Cu tine vreau sa sper
Cu tine vreau sa iert
Cu tine vreau...

Cu tine vreau sa rad
Cu tine vreau sa tac
Cu tine vreau sa plang
Cu tine vreau sa sper
Cu tine vreau sa iert
Cu tine vreau sa pierd
Cu tine vreau sa mor
Cu tïne vreau tot!

vineri, 24 august 2012

The rules of a gentleman!!!

No.1  - Run with her on the beach.
No.2  - Give her your sweater when she’s cold.
No.3  - Never talk about other girls infront of her.
No.4  - Learn to play the guitar for her.
No.5  - Comfort her when she’s scared.
No.6  - Watch the sunset with her.
No.7  - If she can’t sleep, read her a bedtime story.
No.8  - If you get in a fight with her and she starts crying, just stop and hold her.
No.9  - Never force her to do anything.
No.10 - Call her beautiful, especially when she least expects it.
No.11 - Never let her walk home alone.
No.12 - Play with her hair when she’s laying on your chest.
No.13 - Always make the first move.
No.14 - Never lie to her, she’ll find out.
No.15 - Kiss her when she’s sleeping.
No.16 - Sing to her no matter how terrible your voice is. ..she’ll like it.
No.17 - When she’s fighting with someone, defend her even when you don’t think she’s right.
No.18 - Accept her for who she is.
No.19 - Call her beautiful instead of hot nor sexy.
No.20 - Don’t let go first during a hug.
No.21 - Tell her if she has something in her hair.
No.22 - Tell her you love her before she sleeps every night.
No.23 - Never go through her messages.
No.24 - Making her look bad infront of your friends will make you look bad, too.
No.25 - Always have her back.
No.26 - Kiss her in the rain.
No.27 - Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
No.28 - Stay on the call with her even if she fell asleep.
No.29 - Let her fall asleep in your arms.
No.30 - Give her piggyback rides.
No.31 - Call her babe.
No.32 - Apologize when you’re wrong.
No.33 - Always open the door for her.
No.34 - Boobs or butts doesn’t matter.
No.35 - Notice the little things.
No.36 - Give her flowers.
No.37 - Good hygiene is a must.
No.38 - Be confident.
No.39 - Don’t swear.
No.40 - Carry things for her.
No.41 - Always be the stronger one.
No.42 - Pay for dinner.
No.43 - Hold her chair.
No.44 - Be a good listener.
No.45 - Don’t brag.
No.46 - Compliment her.
No.47 - Don’t use her.
No.48 - Respect her.
No.49 - Perform random acts of kindness.
No.50 - Never take her for granted.
No.51 - Give her breakfast in bed.
No.52 - Hang out with her friends too, not just yours.
No.53 - Do whatever it takes to make her happy.
No.54 - She’s more important than videogames.
No.55 - Don’t make a promise if you’re gonna break it.
No.56 - If she slaps you, you probably deserved it.
No.57 - She should have three things from you; your sweatshirt, a stuffed animal and a really pretty ring.
No.58 - Never slap her, even if it’s just in a joking way.
No.59 - If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked.
No.60 - Forget her birthday once and you’re screwed.
No.61 - Hug her from the back.
No.62 - Never insult her, even if you’re joking around.
No.63 - Never miss a date.
No.64 - Try your best to get her something on your vacation. (it doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as it’s from the heart)
No.65 - Wear that knitted sweater that she mad for you. (it will mean the world to her)
No.66 - Never ask her to buy you things.
No.67 - If you love her, show her, not your friends.
No.68 - Don’t get upset if she wants to watch chick flicks. (you might even like it)
No.69 - When she’s sick, don’t neglect her.
No.70 - Reply her texts.
No.71 - Never ask a girl out because of a dare.
No.72 - Never be late for a date.
No.73 - Unexpected surprises.
No.74 - When both of you are in a fight, take the blame even if she’s wrong.
No.75 - Listen to what she has to say.
No.76 - If you know she loves you, don’t play with her emotions and take advantage of it.
No.77 - When she refuses to talk to you because you did something to upset her,insist and make up for it.
No.78 - Make her feel like a princess.
No.79 - Shift to the dangerous side when crossing the street.
No.80 - When she drops something, stop whatever you’re doing to help her.
No.81 - Never let her down of blow her off.
No.82 - Treat her like your bestfriend.
No.83 - Kiss the back of her hand.
No.84 - Love her when she least deserves it — that’s when she needs it the most.
No.85 - Tell her your stories and feelings too. She wants to hear them. Promise.
No.86 - Don’t tell her lies just to spare her feelings, she’d rather know the truth now rather than finding out later.
No.87 - Yes, “I’m cold” is another way of saying “hug me”.
No.88 - Believe her and believe in her.
No.89 - Always listen to what she has to say.
No.90 - Good grammar is sexy.
No.91 - Look her in the eyes.
No.92 - Let her rest her head on your shoulder.
No.93 - Take the initiative to go and talk to her.
No.94 - Have pillow fights with her.
No.95 - Never talk bad behind her back.
No.96 - Never be a jerk to her infront of her friends.
No.97 - Never go to parties or hang out with other girls without her.
No.98 - Never make excuses.
No.99 - Don’t talk to her when you’re mad. (you will screw something up)
No.100 - Don’t try to keep anything from her.
No.101 - Slip sweet notes in her locker. (they will make her day)
No.102 - Never let a day pass without saying ‘I love you’ to her.
No.103 - Always protect her from any kind of harm.
No.104 - Never give her a reason to think that she’s the man in the relationship.
No.105 - Grand gestures.
No.106 - Kiss her under the stars.
No.107 - Love her unconditionally.
No.108 - Make her an album of the songs that reminds you of her.
No.109 - Never lead her on if you know nothing’s going to happen.
No.110 - Never answer “Does this make me look fat?” question. (it’s a trick)
No.111 - If you love her, never let her slip away.
No.112 - Your warmth soothes her heart.
No.113 - When going out, don’t ask her what she wants to do, take charge and decide.
No.114 - Smile and laugh at her jokes, even if they aren’t funny.
No.115 - If you don’t have time for her, make time for her.
No.116 - Always be available for her.
No.117 - If you love her, tell her before it’s too late.
No.118 - Never forget an anniversary.
No.119 - When you’re around her, always make her feel like you’re her first and last.
No.120 - It’s the little compliments that means alot to her.
No.121 - Show her off infront of you or her friends.
No.122 - When she’s tired, carry her.
No.123 - Never accuse.
No.124 - Do it because you want to, not because you want something back in return.
No.125 - Actions speak louder than words.
No.126 - Have those I-love-you-more-fights. (she thinks it’s cute)
No.127 - Don’t say whatever when you are arguing. (it’ll make her more mad)
No.128 - Never blame her for your mistakes.
No.129 - She loves that cute smirk. Promise.
No.130 - A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally.
No.131 - No more bro’s before ho’s. Well respected women, before bro’s.
No.132 - Don’t go anywhere without kissing her goodbye.
No.133 - Hold the door for every girl, attractive or not.
No.134 - Try to write a song for her, even if you’re not musically inclined. (she’ll love it no matter what)
No.135 - Text her good morning to have her day start with a smile.
No.136 - She comes first. Always.
No.137 - Never let her forget how much she means to you.
No.138 - Never let her fall asleep waiting for your call.
No.139 - Her “nothing” is always something.
No.140 - Never tell a girl she doesn’t understand. Ever. Chances are she does.
No.141 - Forehead kisses.
No.142 - Have a day for just you and her, she loves the one on one time.
No.143 - Have tickle fights with her (but let her win)
No.144 - Dance with her even when there’s no music on.
No.145 - Stay up, even if you are tired to talk or chat with her.
No.146 - Never give her a reason to doubt your feelings for her.
No.147 - Never reject her kisses or hugs.
No.148 - Don’t text or call her just because you’re bored.
No.149 - Kiss her spontaneously in the middle of her sentence.
No.150 - Love her for who she is, not for who you want her to be.
No.151- When she pushes you away, pull her in closer.
No.152- Call her love. It sounds classy.
No.153- Tuck her hair behind her ear.
No.154- Never compare her with your ex-girlfriends. She is incomparable.
No.155- Never underestimate a girl’s ability to find things out.
No.156- If you fall in love with her, tell her. Just be prepared to catch her.
No.157- In the middle of a hug, squeeze a little harder. (she’ll love it, promise)
No.158- A gentleman always cheers for his hometown team. Win or lose.
No.159- A gentleman respects every women in his life. If you can’t respect your own mother, forget about respecting your girlfriend.
No.160- Stupid lame jokes; awkwardly adorable moments.
No.161- A gentleman never hits a girl, ever.
No.162- A gentleman always thinks before he says.
No.163- A gentleman is never rude.
No.164- A gentleman never breaks a promise.
No.165- Don’t try to out dress a woman. She should be the center of attention and should now feel that she’s under dressed.
No.166- A gentleman always dresses well.
No.167- Don’t just talk the talk.
No.168- Look people in the eyes when you greet them and shake their hand.
No.169- Never cut someone off.
No.170- If you’re trying to have a relationship, let the woman know. If you’re not, and you’re just trying to hit, let them know that, too.
No.171- Open doors. Pull out chairs. Let her order first. Simple manners.
No.172- No, she doesn’t look fat in the dress. Yes, even if she does.
No.173- Give girls a little extra respect.
No.174- Secret rooftop meetings never gets old.
No.175- Calling her “baby,” will make her melt every time. Promise.
No.176- When listening to the radio, if a love song comes on, squeeze her hand tighter.
No.177- Your girlfriend is not the prettiest of them all, because in your eyes, she should be the only one who is pretty.
No.178- Confidence is sexy. Cockiness is not.
No.179- Hold her while she cries, nothing feels better.
No.180- When hugging her, lift her off her feet and spin her around. (she’ll love it.)
No.181- Always maintain eye contact. It lets her know that you are only paying attention to her.
No.182- If you make her bite her lip, know that you’re doing a damn good job at whatever you’re doing.
No.183- Hold her tight, she won’t want you to let go.
No.184- Make holding her hand too tight be the only way you can hurt her.
No.185- Kisses aren’t everything; never underestimate the power of a good hug.
No.186- Play with her fingers, she loves the way your hand touches hers.
No.187- Grand gestures and complimenting the little things aren’t opposites. Do both.
No.188- Don’t tell her your love is forever unless you have no doubt it is.
No.189- Tell her all your sweet memories together. She’ll be smiling all day long knowing that you remember every single moment you’re together.
No.190- If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy enough.
No.191- A man’s biggest mistake is giving another man an opportunity to make his woman smile. If you love her, you shouldn’t be giving any guy that chance. It should be you making her smile.
No.192- Every gentleman should have at least one suit in his closet.
No.193- Good look’s just a bonus if you have a great personality.
No.194- If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took every ounce of courage in her to say that. Idiot, don’t take her for granted.
No.195- A gentleman should always have one good watch on his wrist. It’s a mark of character and dignity.
No.196- Gentlemen, wear a belt. It’s called underwear for a reason.
No.197- Don’t try to outdress a woman. She should be the center of attention and should not feel thats she’s underdressed.
No.198-  Being open-minded and aware of the world around you shows class and sophistication, but avoid seeming pretentious by being modest instead of showing off what you know.
No.199- Don’t ask about the last guy she was with. Being competitive is a young man’s game.
No.200- Avoid public fights with your woman. Keep things private to let her know there’s an exclusive world that you and her share.
No.201- Avoid unnecessary use of expletives in public, especially in the presence of a woman you’re trying to impress.
No.202- If you want to leave her, leave her breathless. If you want to lie, lie next to her. If you want to let go, let go of your pride and pursue her.
No.203- Boasting about your intelligence isn’t attractive, neither is downplaying it.
No.204- Always keep the balance between obsession and apathy. Make her feel important but give her some space when she needs it.
No.205- Gentlemen, be aware that the line between confidence and arrogance is extremely thin.
No.206- Every girl wants that feeling of being wanted and belonged too. So gentlemen, give it to her. Give her your undivided attention, the best that you can give and offer her, and the best of the best that you know she deserves.
No.207- Always kiss your lady’s hand. It will make her feel like a queen.
No.208- Apologize. You are not degrading yourself, you are showing that you care for that person’s feelings.
No.209- Don’t tell her you love her unless you really mean it. She might do something crazy, like believe it.
No.210- Nice guys finish last because they put their ladies first.
No.211- Don’t waste your time looking for all the wrong ones, when you already have the right one.
No.212- Whatever you give a woman, she’s going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. So, if your give her any crap, you will receive a ton of shit.
No.213- Chivalry is very much alive. Just because a girl acts like she doesn’t care for those small things, inside she’s really looking for it.
No.214- Don’t bring up how many girls you’ve been with; it will not make you look better nor will it impress her.
No.215- Tell her nobody’s perfect, but she is as perfect as they come.
No.216- Allow your lady to walk ahead of you, not all over you.
No.217- Don’t tell her you love her, if you have another girl by your side.
No.218- A girl’s dream is to own something that belongs to you. When she has that, she feels extra close to you.
No.219- If you feel as if you’d die for her, live in such a way that she would know.
No.220- Go ahead, take a punch for her, give one if necessary, just make sure she wasn’t the one that got hurt.
No.221- Sometimes you shouldn’t have to ask how she’s doing. Read the signs: look into her eyes.
No.222- Remember, whenever she finishes a sentence with “I’ve never told anyone that before,” make sure to never forget.
No.223- Real men never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he’s got her.
No.224- Kiss her nose.
No.225- Give her something to tell her friends about.
No.226- A gentleman doesn’t need to hit a woman to feel like a “man”. After all, he is a gentle man.
No.227- If she worries about you, it just means she cares. But when she stops caring, that’s when you should be worried.
No.228- When she starts to let go during a hug, pull her even closer and hug her even tighter.
No.229- Just because she has dated douchebags doesn’t mean there isn’t any chance for a nice guy.
No.230- Don’t flip out when your girlfriend wonders who you’re with or what you’re doing. It means she cares and she’s actually afraid to lose you to someone else.
No.231- “Don’t date the most beautiful girl in the world, date the girl who makes your world the most beautiful.”
No.232- Spill your heart out to her; if she loves you she’ll love to listen.
No.233- “Anyone can be heroic form time to time, but a gentleman is something you have to be all the time.” -Luigi Pirandello
No.234-  A boy makes his girl jealous of other women. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.
No.235- A true gentleman should never take advantage of any lady.
No.236- When you’re holding hands, squeeze hers from time to time. It will surely make her look at you and smile.
No.237- When she rubs her arms with both hands, it’s another sign of saying, “Hug me, make me warm.”
No.238- Remember, she loves you for you. So don’t try to go around changing yourself just to impress her.
No.239- When you say ‘I love you’, say it in a way she’ll want to hear it. Look her in the eyes; grasp her hand; and lean close to her, so she knows you’re truly serious.
No.240- If you aren’t treating her right, don’t be mad when somebody else does.
No.241- Never ever make a girl feel anything less than perfect.
No.242- A gentleman never lies to his woman. Ever.
No.243- A gentleman should always give up his seat for the elderly.
No.244- You came from a woman. So you have no right to disrespect one.

“Daca lumea e trista , da-i un zambet de-al tau !”

      Ma descriu spunand ce vreau. Vreau imperfectiunea. Vreau, ca atunci, cand "cantecul" se va opri, sa dansez un "dans" pe care nu-l cunosc. Vreau sa te incrunti cand nu te bag in seama. Vreau sa te fac sa plangi. Vreau sa te superi, sa ma certi si sa ma ierti. Vreau sa spun prostii si sa ma saruti zambind.Vreau ca duminica dimineata sa ne certam, iar noaptea sa ne impacam, pentru ca altfel nu se poate. Vreau, ca atunci, cand nu ma mai suporti si pleci, sa intorc capul dupa tine si sa tip in gandul meu sa te intorci. Vreau sa-mi fie dor de mirosul pielii tale. Vreau sa ma necajesti, sa ma tachinezi, sa te joci cu mine, vreau sa fim copii, vreau sa fim adulti. Vreau sa-mi descoperi senzualitatea, salbaticia, vreau sa ne exploram simturile, trupurile, dorintele. Sunt o rasfatata si nu trebuie sa imi lipseasca asta de la tine. Sunt un amalgam de dorinte si cerinte. Vreau mult. Vreau...Tu? Si inca ceva. Cu foarte multi ani in urma, cand eram intrebata ce vreau sa ma fac cand voi fi mare, eu raspundeam: vreau sa fiu regina. Acum sunt mare. Trebuie sa fiu tine !


    nu sunt autoarea: )
joi, 23 august 2012

We had the whole summer ...

     We could have had endless dates. We could have had some clean trouble together. We could have went on top of a roof with a blanket and watched the sunset fade into a starry night. We could have went to baseball game or walked through the night. We could have went on the rollercoaster together.We could have talked on the phone all night because it was summer. We could have done anything. As long as I were to be with you. So many things to explore but never got the chance to do so. 
duminică, 19 august 2012

ℒℴνℯ ador acele persoane care se iubesc nespus, care isi arata iubirea in fiecare zi, care nu ezita sa-si trimita mesaje chiar si dupa 5 minute dupa ce au vorbit, doar pentru a spune " deja imi este dor de tine". Acele persoane care isi arata iubirea la orice colt si prin orice metoda, ciudata , frumoasa, dar din suflet. Si sunt o romantica, si imi place tot ce tine de iubire, de micile placeri ale vietii, de lucrurile marunte dar care fac viata plina de TOT ce lispeste. Imi era putin dor sa mai scriu, iar mainile imi merg prea repede, cuvintele apar cand degetele ating tastatura, e ciudat ? Dar tu stii de ce trebuie sa existe momente cand te simti singur dar esti deja cu cineva ? de ce nu trebuie sa zambesti, sa simti ca traiesti cu adevarat, sa profiti de toate momentele pentru a arata ca apreciezi persoana de langa tine, ca iti place prezenta ei ? se pare ca de cele mai multe ori respingem persoanele care ne apreciaza si le apreciem pe cele care ne resping, asa e lumea creata. Probabil o sa crezi ca e cel mai prost moment al vietii mele daca scriu toate astea, chiar deloc, chiar ma bucur de viata, fie ca primesc ce vreau, fie ca nu, ma multumesc cu ce am pentru ca... si aceasta postare chiar NU este pentru cineva din viata mea, este pentru cineva care va fi in viata mea, iar aceste lucruri mi-au placut nespus de mult :) :
        iti multumesc ca ma faci sa zambesc in fiecare zi
  iti multumesc ca ma incalzesti cu mainile tale calde cand afara e frig
   iti multumesc ca ma ierti pentru fiecare aberatie pe care o scot din gura
       iti multumesc ca ma intelegi
 iti multumesc ca ai rabdare cu mine
iti multumesc pentru ca imi iei apararea
    iti multumesc ca rostesti numele meu mai frumos ca oricine
iti multumesc ca nu consideri niste tampenii lucrurile care imi plac mie
iti multumesc ca nu te superi cand sunt cu fundu` in sus

  iti multumesc ca te enervezi pe mine cand vorbesc urat sau nu te ascult sau nu mananc tot caci asta imi demonstreaza ca tii la mine 
      iti multumesc ca ai incredere in mine
iti multumesc ca n`ai plecat de langa mine cand imi era mai greu



How long has it been 
Since this storyline began 
And I hope it never ends 
And goes like this forever
sâmbătă, 4 august 2012

Night & Day.

        Scrisoare pentru sotul meu: nu stiu cine vei fi, cum te va chema, cati ani vei avea, ce culoare va avea parul tau, cat de mult te voi iubi s.a.m.d. stiu doar ca imi doresc nespus sa te intalnesc. sau poate ca deja am facut-o. de fapt, nu am de unde stii. doar Dumnezeu stie cand o sa mi te scoata-n cale si sper sa imi dau seama ca esti acel EL si ca nu trebuie sa te alung din viata mea, asa cum fac, de obicei, cu toti cei care tin la mine.  te rog sa nu fii gelos daca probabil nu-mi voi lasa in urma prostul obicei de a vorbi despre corpul unor baieti care arata bine. vreau sa stii ca-n mintea mea si-n sufletul meu esti mereu doar tu.   mie-mi placi tu. asa cum esti.. imi place ca esti dezordonat, ca esti haios si ma surprinzi mereu. imi place felul in care zambesti, iar parfumul tau.. ma innebuneste! imi place ca esti destul de imatur incat sa ma faci sa ma simt mereu ca o adolescenta, dar uneori mai matur ca mine. si-mi place asta, nu vreau eu sa fiu cea mereu cu capul pe umeri. imi place ca vii dimineata cu micul dejun la pat si ma servesti, ma faci sa ma simt ca o regina! imi place cum ma alinti, imi place cum imi soptesti la ureche cat de mult ma iubesti. imi place ca ai rabdare cu mine cand mergem la cumparaturi, imi place ca uiti mereu capacul de la wc ridicat. imi place ca intre ce vreau eu si ce vrei tu, atunci cand sunt neintelegeri, alegi sa nu facem ca niciunul. gasim noi o cale de mijloc... imi place ca te-ai sacrificat si mi-ai cumparat un catel de ziua mea ! imi place ca imi faci poftele, dar nu ma cumperi. imi place cand iti uiti sosetele aruncate prin casa, cand te cert si cand ma-mpaci. imi place cand vii obosit de la serviciu si te chinui cu mainile acelea neindemanatice sa-mi pregatesti cina. dar nu imi place ca imi place tot la tine.   stiu ca e imposibil sa ma gandesc la data exacta a nuntii noastre, dar am sa-ti spun cum mi-ar place sa fie.. decorul conteaza, sa stii. iar tu esti perfect, pentru ca ma ajuti sa pregatesc totul. ma ajuti sa gasim restaurantul potrivit, locul in care va fi nunta. amandoi vrem o nunta retrasa, doar noi si persoanele apropiate. discursul pe care-l vei tine la biserica stiu ca ma va da pe spate. iar tu vei fi acolo sa ma prinzi.. imi place cum tremuri cand spui 'DA' iar apoi cand ma saruti.  o sa avem ce le povesti nepotilor nostrii atunci cand vom pomeni de cand prietenii tai m-au furat, iar tu ai facut un gest maret si m-ai salvat.   luna noastra de miere, dragule, va fi asa cum ne-am imaginat. ne vom rasfata ca niciodata, iar eu te voi iubi pentru totdeauna ! pentru ca si tu, la randul tau, ma vei iubi asa cum n-ai mai facut-o niciodata. pentru ca ti-aduci aminte cand m-ai rugat sa te invat sa iubesti ? ei bine, dragule, am facut-o ! te-am vindecat de trecutul tau, si te-am transformat intr-un om nou. asa cum ai facut-o si tu. si deci, ne-am mulat personalitatile si ne-am transformat in cele 2 jumatati. ne-am gasit, iubitule ! dintre toate fetele, tu m-ai gasit pe mine ! iar mie, Dumnezeu mi-a trimis in cale cel mai potrivit camarad de viata. vreau sa traiesc cu tine o vesnicie, pentru ca inima mea e doar a ta.   imi amintesc prima aniversare a casniciei noastre. m-ai surprins ducandu-ma intr-o tara cu o istorie extraordinara, m-ai uimit ! nu mai spun de aniversarea de un deceniu. iti aduci aminte ? am fost plecati in paradis. mi-ai spus ca ma iubesti mai mult decat ai fi crezut vreodata.  primul nostru copil. iti mosteneste zambetul. ochii sunt ai mei, dar nasul e ca al tau. e baiat ! dar mai stii surpriza ? pe langa acel baiat era si o fetita, scumpul meu ! aveam copii gemeni, o fata si-un baiat. baiatul seamana cu tine. iti mostesteste carisma. iar fata, este o printesa ! cred ca seamana cu mama mea... suntem o familie ! in mai putin de un deceniu am devenit o familie completa !   iti mai amintesti de prima zi de gradinita a celor mici ? daca nu ai fi fost alaturi de mine si facandu-ma sa realizez ca sunt pe maini bune, probabil ca i-as fi luat si as fi fugit cu ei ! dar nu, tu mi-ai fost alaturi. si-ti voi fi recunoscatoare pentru asta toata viata mea. dar prima zi de scoala ? de ea ce sa mai spun ? cand i-am vazut ca au crescut atat de mult, nu am putut crede... au crescut, si uite-i la terminarea liceului. sunt oameni in toata firea. sunt adulti ! iar noi? noi am imbatranit... dar sufletele tot tinere ne sunt !   iti mai aduci aminte de bucuria ce-am simtit-o cand am aflat ca vom fi bunici ? te-ai gandit vreodata c-o sa fii bunic ? tu, cel mereu pus pe sotii si haios... te-ai gandit vreodata c-o s-ajungem si aici ? ... ne creste si nepotul, dragule. iar noi imbatranim si mai mult.. dar timpul lasa urme doar pe corpul nostru... pentru ca noi am invatat ca fim tineri mereu ! m-ai invatat sa vad partea plina a paharului din viata asta. si-acum, tot ce-as vrea sa-ti mai spun, desi simt ca nu am spus destule despre tine, despre noi, este ca te iubesc.. te-am iubit, te iubesc, si te voi iubi mereu !
miercuri, 11 iulie 2012

God is in the details.

             Am un vis, acest vis începe cu o rază de soare, în fiecare dimineaţă alături de chipul tău de înger. Zâmbesc atunci când te găsesc lângă buzele mele, râd când îmi amintesc de... şi totul mi se pare o poveste nesfârşită. Cred că o să înceapă o noua etapă în viaţa mea... Am o viaţă? Am un suflet? Mai degrabă aş crede că sunt un suflet, unul plin de sentimente, de fericire împletită cu tristeţe. Cine spune că nu există minuni, clar nu îşi cunoaşte rolul pe pământ, clar nu ştie de ce există. Priveşte stelele alături de cineva drag, observă feţele zâmbitoare ale copiilor, fluturii, curcubeul, miroase ploaia, simte vântul, aleargă prin iarbă... luptă pentru visele tale şi o sa trăieşti minunile!

                                           If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?
duminică, 10 iunie 2012

Actually, I can.

   I realized I am always waiting for something. It doesn't matter for how long or because of what, I just wait. And I don't stand there without doing nothing, but somewhere inside my conscience I'm sure that there can be more and there's never 'perfect' so I remain waiting. Waiting for my hair to grow, or the school to end, waiting for summer, waiting for a movie to be released, for the phone to ring... And I'm always gonna wait for more to happen and I will never be grateful for the things that are already happening or things that do not need to be waited for. And I will blame time for being a cheater and not letting me be pleased with anything. I will blame 'him' for letting things change on and on, for giving me only variables and never a constant. I need a constant in my equation.

duminică, 26 februarie 2012

Today My Life Begins.

         O zi specială, un cadou deosebit.. 24-02-2012
sâmbătă, 18 februarie 2012

if you ever feel alone...

   E îngrozitor să pierzi un om pe care l-ai iubit; însă ar fi şi mai cumplit dacă nu l-ai fi întâlnit niciodată.

Dorinţa de-a atinge inaccesibilul nu implică nici un risc.

             Am un glob de cristal în mâna dreaptă. Văd prin el toate acele persoane care fac promisiuni şi după uită de ele, aceia care nu încearcă să-i ţină lângă ei pe cei apropiaţi, ci să-i îndepărteze şi mai mult. Nu-mi pasă ce crezi tu, şi nici nu o să-mi pese pentru că am observat acel copil care zace în tine, am observat frica ta de ataşare de căldura si îmbrăţişarea celuilalt. Şi până la urmă, trebuie să ai seninătatea de a accepta ce nu poţi schimba, curajul de a schimba ceea ce poţi şi mai ales înţelepciunea de a face diferenţa între cele două.  Ce-ar fi dacă n-aş mai asculta de bunul-simţ şi de logică şi mi-aş apleca urechea măcar o dată, ca să aud acel glas micuţ,care îmi vorbeşte din străfundul minţii mele? De ce îmi tre saltă inima de fiecare dată când am impresia că-l recunosc pe el? Oare nu se cuvine să-mi pun această întrebare?                                                     

Love is a crime.

      Pendula imensă din colţul livingului întunecat - un ceas ornat într-un stil nemţesc - începu să bată ora exactă chiar 
 când Ted rupea ţipla de plaastic de pe a doua sticlă de votcă.
      A doua sau a treia?
      Nu prea îşi aducea aminte, dar credea că totuşi era vorba de a doua. Dacă ar fi fost a treia sticlă, până acum ar fi dormit dus, dar nici pomeneală de aşa ceva.
      Nu îi era deloc somn.
      Degetele işi opriră mişcarea, pentru că Ted număra orele.
      Ce dracu'...? Că doar nu  exista ora treisprezece - toată lumea ştia asta.
      Scoase ţipla, răsuci dopul, apoi duse sticla la buze şi trase o duşcă zdravănă. Căldura familiară a alcoolului îi cuprinse plăcut gâtlejul şi se răspândi în stomac.

John Saul- Mâna dreaptă a diavolului
sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2012

Tablou fără ramă

          ...Aşa se încheie povestea: cu zâmbetul tău şi cu duranţa unei absenţe. Încă îţi mai aud degetele pe pianul copilăriei mele. Te-am căutat pretutindeni, chiar şi în alte spaţii. Te-am găsit :oriunde aş fi, adorm sub privirile tale. Din cele două jumătăţi ale noastre, au izvorât făgăduieli; împreună, alcătuiam ziua noastră de mâine. De acum, ştiu că visele cele mai nebuneşti se scriu cu cerneala inimii. Eu am trăit acolo unde amintirile se făuresc in doi, la adăpost de priviri străine, în taina unei încrederi unice, peste care continui să domneşti tu. Chiar dacă îmi lipseşti, nu voi mai fi niciodată singur, pentru că, undeva, exişti tu!


So far gone...

        Treci în ficare zi pe aceeaşi stradă. Vezi aceleaşi persoane, te saturi de cotidian, vrei să evadezi dar ştii că incă nu e posibil.  Ai de înfruntat multe zile,  multe ploi,  multe întristări,  şi uneori puţină fericire.  Ai vrea ca ea să fie lângă tine,  ştii că nu e posibil,  ştii numai ca se gândeşte la tine.  Nu poţi să îi uiţi acel zâmbet creat de tine (doar ai spus "salut" ) ...  încă te face să zâmbeşti fără să vrei.  Deşi faci asta,  nimic nu o să mai fie la fel.  Te-a uitat de mult timp.  Poate că într-o zi o s-o întâlneşti,  o sa povestiţi şi o să vă amintiţi cu plăcere de clipele petrecute împreună.  Îi vei spune că eşti căsătorit,  fericit,  ai o fetiţă şi că încă mai fumezi.  Înainte să plece,  o să-i şopteşti la ureche  : " I-am pus fetiţei mele numele tău " !

Dream it.Wish it. Do it.

     Being single and staying single isn't selfish. It should be seen as putting your happiness first (Where it should be.)

my strange mind

I just don't think that a couple of weeks is time enough for you to really feel love. I think this is just an 

excitement/infatuation stage. It can lead to love, but it's not a good idea to hurry or pressure those feelings 

this fast.

tha thaaa :d

              That kinda LOVE
sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Happy people...happy faces

     Vreau să îngheţ momentul, vreau să uit că-i totul complicat, vreau sentimentul înapoi. Vreau să ne imaginăm ca suntem doar noi doi, îmbrăţişându-ne ca doi copii, să îmi săruţi fruntea si buzele tremurânde. Vreau să te am lângă mine, dar poate nu eşti tu cel care trebuie să fie aici, poate mă amăgesc...poate încă nu ştiu ce e iubirea. Până la urmă toate căutările îşi găsesc finalul...sper să nu fie acum.

 Atunci când viaţa îţi dă 1000 de motive să plângi, demonstrează că ai 1001 de motive să râzi.

What Does It Mean ?

Thinking of you means "I miss you" 
Holding your hand means "I like you" 
Squeezing it means "I want to kiss you" 
Putting my head on your shoulder means "Comfort me" 
My hands on your waist means "Never let me go" 
Biting my lip means "I'm jealous" 
Staring into your eyes means "Do you love me?" 
Winking means "I adore you" 
Dreaming of you often means "You're someone special" 
Being with you often means "I can't live without you" 
And wearing your ring means "You're mine"